Boundary Invasive Species Society is undergoing a website update. Certain pages are still under construction. If you are unable to find the information you are looking for, please contact us at or 250-446-2232 and we can answer your question directly or will resolve the issue.
Prevent, Protect, Restore
The Boundary is a beautiful area full of unique habitats and ecosystems. There is a diverse range of industry in our area. Invasive plants do not respect jurisdictional boundaries so we must all work together and in cooperation with our neighbours to prevent invasive species from upsetting the balance.
Who We Are
The Boundary
Invasive Species Society
started out back in 1998
in response to public
pressure to do something
about the weeds in the
Boundary. We were called the Boundary Weed Management Committee back then. Our name changed in 2013 to reflect our expansion into invasive species.
In the spring of 2004 the Society became a registered charity. In 2012 our mandate expanded to include an awareness program on invasive aquatic species. Membership is from a diverse group of interests.

What We Do
We work to protect
our shared
agricultural and
recreational resources
from further impacts
by invasive species.
Our program:
Coordinates treatment of invasive plants in the RDKB
Maintains an inventory of invasive species locations
Provides free assistance with identification and management information
Provides biological control insects for invasive plants