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A hearty, creeping perennial in the mint family
Plants can grow up to 0.5 metres tall
Introduced from Europe and Western Asia

Yellow archangel
(Lamium galeobdolon)
Quick Identification
Heat-shaped leaves are green and silver, hairy, and with round toothed edges
Stems are square
Flowers are light yellow, tubular, and grow in clusters
Competes with native plant species and provides poor forage and shelter to other local species. It is found in gardens, flowerbeds, and forests.
Mowing can spread the problem. Hand pulling is also not a guarantee as the plant can regrow from root and stem fragments even if composted. Effective pesticides are available. The best management method is prevention. Be careful of contaminated soil and transplants from infested sites.
Pale yellow flowers grow in clusters in the stems. They have one larger, upper lip, and a smaller bottom lip.
Leaves & Stems
Stems are square with alternating leaves. The leaves are heart-shaped, green with silver markings, hairy, and round-toothed. Plants originate from a central root base but creep along the ground as stalons take root.

Roots are branching and break easily.
Reproduction & Dispersal
Plants reproduce by seed, through stalons and roots, and from root and stem fragments.
A plant can produce 800 seeds each year.
Preferred Habitat
The plant is found in flowerbeds and gardens and invades open forest areas with part sun to full shade. It prefers damp soils.
Interesting Facts
This perennial can be found in many gardens and flower beds. Some garden centres still sell plants and seeds.
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