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  • Grows up to a meter tall

  • Ranges from annual to short lived perennial plant

  • Introduced from northern and central Europe and is now found all over Canada


Scentless chamomile
(Matricaria perforata)

Quick Identification

  • Daisy-like flowers with small white petals and pronounced yellow centres

  • Lacy leaves

  • Branching stem with numerous flowers

Outcompetes native species and can reduce crop yields and quality.  

Mowing or cutting before the plant produces seed is highly effective. Several biocontrol agents have been released in BC.  Effective herbicides are available.

Each plant has numerous daisy-like flowers with small white petals and pronounced yellow centres.  They bloom from late June through September. Flowers have no scent when crushed.

Leaves & Stems
Leaves are lacy and smooth.  A rosette in the first year, scentless chamomile grows into a large, many branching plant during the second year.  Stem and leaves are hairless and smooth.

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A fibrous root system.

Reproduction & Dispersal
Only reproduces by seed. These are easily spread by wind, water, and in soil or on equipment.


Each plant can produce between 300,000 and 5000,000 seeds each year.  Seeds can remain viable for up to 15 years.

Preferred Habitat
Invades moist, disturbed soils such as ditches and farmland.

Interesting Facts
Scentless chamomile was introduced to North America as either a grain containment or as an ornamental plant.

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