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Grows up to 3 m high
Introduced from Armenia and Northern Iran for its tasty fruit

Himalayan blackberry
(Rubus armeniacus)
Quick Identification
A thorny thicket forming shrub
Leaves are dark green and remain on the plant for much of the year
Stems are green to red in colour
Five-petaled flowers are white and the fruit is an edible blackberry
Outcompetes native plants, reducing forage and impeding the movement of wildlife. Can cause erosion in riparian ecosystems.
Fived petaled flowers are white to light pink in colour.
Leaves & Stems
Leaves are rounded with toothed edges and semievergreen. Non-fruiting canes are can last for several years while those that produce berries will die oof at the end of the season. Canes grow up to 12 m in length are have hooked prickles. Canes form arches and plants form dense, tangled thickets.
Preferred Habitat
Establish in disturbed sites. They prefer rich, well drained soil but will grow in a variety of conditions in pastures, roadsides, and riparian areas.

An extensive root system can be more than 10 m in length and grows to a depth of 1 m.
Reproduction & Dispersal
Reproduces by seed, roots and root buds. The plant is spread by wildlife that eat the blackberry fruits and by people planting canes.
The blackberry fruits are shiny, black, and hairless when ripe and enjoyed by birds, omnivorous animals and people alike. Each fruit contains several seeds and established thickets can have a seed density of 7,000-13,000 seeds per m2 on the ground. Seeds remain viable for a few years.
Interesting Facts
Introduced for its delicious fruit.
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