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Introduced from South America as an aquatic ornamental
30 t0 90 centimetres tall

Water hyacinth
(Eichornia crassipes)
Quick Identification
A thick spongy stalk allows the plant to float
Leafs are round or oval, waxy, and upright
Roots hang in the water beneath the plant
4 to 15 flowers grow on a spike and are lavender in colour
Water hyacinth plants are fast spreaders. The United States spends millions of dollars on management of this plant. This plant creates dense mats that clog waterways which makes almost all water activities impossible. These mats also block other plants from doing photosynthesis which reduces oxygen levels in the water.
Never dispose of water garden plants in another water body. Dispose of them on dry land away from water or compost the plants. Be cautious when sharing plants with friends. Report any possible infestations.
6-petaled, lavender flowers grow on an upright spike. Each plant can have 4 to 15 showy flowers.
Leaves & Stems
Leaves are round or oval, upright and waxy. The stalk is thick and spongy, forming a buoyant globe.

Fine roots hang in the water beneath the floating plant.
Reproduction & Dispersal
Plant spread by seed, stalons, and buds dispersed by water, wind, animals, and human activity.
A single plant can produce up to 2,500 seeds. Seeds can remain viable as long 28 years.
Preferred Habitat
Water hyacinth can tolerate flux in pH, water level, toxin level, and nutrient content. They grow in temporary ponds, wetlands, reservoirs, lakes, and rivers.
Interesting Facts
Water hyacinth is the only large, aquatic herb that can float unattached.
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