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Native to northern and western Alaska but have been introduced elsewhere by game fishermen

Northern pike
(Esox lucius)
Northern pike can reach 1 m in length and can live up to 30 years. Females are generally larger than males with the average weight being from 0.9 to 2.3 kg. Pike have a single dorsal fin near the tail. They are brownish green with light golden spots. They have an elongated head and many sharp teeth.
Northern pike are ambush predators. They eat fish, amphibians, invertebrates and occasionally waterfowl and small mammals. They eat things that are about a third to half their size. Females produce 15,000 to 60,000 eggs each. Once a population becomes established there is the possibility that they could change the biodiversity of the lake.
Do not move pike from one waterbody to another. If you catch a pike do not release it back into the water. Please report any pike you find in the Boundary to us. If you see northern pike in Christina Lake you can also report it to the Christina Lake Stewardship Society.
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