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Eurasian Watermilfoil
  • Present in Christina Lake, Christina Creek and Idabel Lake

  • Introduced from Europe and Asia

Eurasian Watermilfoil

Eurasian watermilfoil
(Myriophyllum spicatum)

Quick Identification

  • Feather-like leaves and reddish stem

  • 4 leaved whorl and each leaf has 12-21 leaflet pairs

  • Tiny, pink flower

It is an aggressive competitor.  It reduces the diversity of native plants.  It starts growing earlier in the season so it reaches the surface sooner than other plants creating a dense canopy.  The mass makes swimming dangerous and restricts boating and fishing opportunities.  The plants clog water intakes and foul beaches.

Prevention is key. Practice Clean Drain Dry with all water equipment. RDKB operates a control program using divers in Christina Lake.

Tiny, pink flower appear on a reddish spike that protrudes several inches from the water in late July and early August.

Leaves & Stems
Leaves grow in 4-leaved whorls with each leaf having 12 to 21 leaflet pairs. Stems grow 2.5 m to 6 m and are heavily branched.

Eurasian Watermilfoil

Roots are slender and break easily.

Reproduction & Dispersal
Reproduced primarily from stem fragment from natural and human disturbances as well as from seed.


Up to 100 seeds are produced by a plant in a year.

Preferred Habitat
Thrives in freshwater lakes, ponds,  and rivers. It is generally found water 1 m to 3 m deep but can grow in water 10 m in depth.

Interesting Facts
Introduced to the US in about 1940 when aquariums were dumped into freshwater bodies.

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