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Present in Christina Lake and Christina Creek
Introduced from Europe
Curly leaf pondweed
(Potomogeton crispus)
Quick Identification
Leaves and stem are green to red-brown in colour depending on the time of year
Leaf edges are rippled
Flowers are red in colour
It forms dense stands that crowd out other plant species. It can impede water flow and has the potential to alter oxygen levels which impacts fish. It can restrict access to docks and fishing areas.
Management options are limited to preventing the spread of this plant. Please Clean Drain Dry all recreation equipment especially boats. Never dump aquariums into natural areas. Report any sightings of this plant.
Red-brown flowers appear May to June.
Leaves & Stems
Leaves are 8 cm long, alternating and attach directly to the stem, becoming denser towards the end. The leaves have an obvious mid-vein and are rippled along the margin unlike native pondweeds. The stem is zig-zag with little branching.
Roots anchor the plant.
Reproduction & Dispersal
Reproduced primarily from buds formed at the time of flowering and from plant fragments. Seeds play a small role.
Seeds are produced but play a small role.
Preferred Habitat
Thrives in freshwater lakes, ponds, rivers, and wetlands and in brackish waters.
Interesting Facts
It can be distinguished from other pondweeds by its rippled leaves and life cycle as is it the first to come up in the spring and dies mid-summer.
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