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Fragrant waterlily 

(Nymphaea odorata)

Fragrant waterlily is in Christina Lake and has spread down Christina Creek.  It is reported to have been planted by a foreshore owner who liked the flowers.  Please report any locations of this plant elsewhere in the Boundary


This is a fresh water plant with large, round floating leaves that have a distinctive slit on one side. The slit in the leaves overlapping when floating is a good way to distinguish it from our native pond lily spadderdock whose leaves have a large gap.  

It has fragrant flowers that range from white to pink and usually has greater than 17 petals.  Flowers bloom June to October.  They open during the day and close at night.  It has berry like fruit which contain several seeds.  



It out-competes native plants.  It impacts fishing, swimming and boating opportunities. It does provide some habitat for fish but mostly introduced fish species.

At this point our management options are limited to preventing the spread of this plant. Please Clean Drain Dry all recreation equipment especially boats.  Never dump aquariums into natural areas.  This plant is often grown in water gardens.  Please do not share this plant with your neighbors.  Please report it if you see this plant.

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